Haley’s Cookies – Today’s Family Devotion

Haley’s Cookies


Bible Reading of the Day: Read Philemon 4-6.

Verse of the Day: “Put your generosity to work, for in so doing you will come to an understanding of all the good things we can do for Christ” (Philemon 6).

“You think we should do what?” Trixie said. She looked at her mom as though a sunflower stalk had just sprouted from the top of her mom’s head.

“I think you should take a plate of Christmas cookies to the Haleys,” Mom said.

Trixie and her brother, Will, exchanged confused expressions. “Mom,” Will said, “the Haleys don’t like us.”

“They’re always yelling at us to go away,” Trixie added.

“They even called the police on us last summer when our trash cans blew into their flower bed, remember?” Will said.

Mom nodded. “I know,” she said. “But look at it this way: a plate of cookies can’t make things any worse, can it?”

“I don’t know,” Trixie said. “The Haleys might call the police on us for giving cookies away without a license!”

A few moments later, Trixie and Will each held a plate of cookies wrapped in clear plastic and tied with a fancy ribbon. They paused at the front door.

“If we’re not back in twenty-four hours,” Will said, “call the FBI!”

When Will and Trixie returned, Mom asked what the Haleys had said.

Trixie shrugged. “Mrs. Haley just said thanks. Then she closed the door.”

“Well, the important thing is that you shared a little bit of your Christmas with them,” Mom said.

Later that day, someone knocked on the door, and Mom answered. Mr. and Mrs. Haley stood on the porch, holding the plates Mom had sent earlier-only now they were stacked with chocolate-chip cookies!

“We were so surprised by your generosity,” Mrs. Haley said. “We’ve lived here for ten years, and no one in this neighborhood has ever done anything like that for us!” Her eyes were rimmed with tears. “We baked these for you and your children.”

Mom thanked the Haleys and invited them to come in. They refused, but as they turned to walk back to their house, they smiled.

“That was cool!” Trixie said.

“It sure was,” Will agreed. “Maybe they’re not so bad after all.”

Mom smiled. “The Haleys are probably thinking the exact same thing about you and Trixie right now!” Trixie and Will looked surprised for a moment before all three of them started laughing.

TO DISCUSS: Which is better, being stingy and greedy or being generous? Why? Have you ever made new friends by being generous? If so, talk about it.

TO PRAY: “Lord, ignite a flame of generosity within us. Help us to give to others in your name.”